Why global work?

Each person has been carved specif­i­cally and intri­cately for God’s pur­poses in the world. The world is chang­ing, and God wants to use every hand to be part of the global renewal. Arotahi will help you to walk whole­heart­edly into the role that God has carved out for you, and your faith com­mu­nity, in the Missio Dei.

Why Arotahi?

We are step­ping into your Spirit-inspired, wholis­tic, hand-carved mission with you.

We will help you to recog­nise the unique charism of your faith com­mu­nity, form and strengthen your God-given par­tic­u­lar­i­ties, and walk into mission along­side you.

And—we have years of expe­ri­ence in global, cross-cul­tural con­texts to back it up.

Who are we?

Arotahi carries the meaning of a focus in one direc­tion, looking towards one horizon simul­ta­ne­ously, con­cen­trat­ing on one thing together. Although there are many dif­fer­ent works and areas we are involved in, we have one common focus that unites us. Read more about what we do, and why we do it, here.

Nau mai, haere mai! Welcome to Whiria Kids! 

At Arotahi (New Zealand Baptist Mis­sion­ary Society), we believe that being woven together in mission is part of God’s heart for each of us. No matter how young, we can all con­tribute; each prayer, expres­sion of aroha (love), and small step is preci…
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Recent news

We’re all about hand–carved mission in every com­mu­nity of the globe! Here’s a place where we can share stories and news from some of the people who are part­ner­ing in the Missio Dei. We hope you find them as inspir­ing and excit­ing as us!

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