It’s been a week since we got back from National Hui at BethÂleÂhem Baptist! And we miss you all already. There’s so many things we could say about our time together, but we’ll let some of our photos do the speaking.
Mission Day was of course a highÂlight, with an incredÂiÂble turnout of global workers (current and alumni) and leaders from around Aotearoa. We heard from Cindy, Joel & Lizzie, Paul & Sarah, Ryan & Sophie, Carol, John & Helen, and Samuel — we were inspired and chalÂlenged by the misÂsional pracÂtice they engage with in their unique conÂtexts. The prayer staÂtions, created by artists Pete & Joyce, offered a way to engage in the new way that God’s mission is unfoldÂing in the world. We are so thankÂful for the creÂativÂity they bring to Arotahi! We prayed together, ate together (the cheese balls!), laughed together, shared stories, chalÂlenges, sucÂcesses and reflecÂtions together. And perhaps most excitÂingly, we looked joyÂfully to the future together. United by our faith.
Do you have a recipe for those cheese balls?
We do! EmailÂing you now. Very imporÂtant info :)