Making a hostel, a home

Our student homes
Our four South Asian hostels are ably run and managed by our long-term local partÂners – together, we opened our first student hostel 38 years ago!
These four student homes provide a safe enviÂronÂment, comÂfortÂable dorm-style rooms, nutriÂtious meals, grounds for play and sport, and tuition assisÂtance. Our stuÂdents are able to thrive, with many going on to become doctors, teachÂers or leaders in their community.

Making a hostel, a home.
Become a student hostel sponsor, and join our bi-annual Zoom catch-ups where we chat with the home parents and hear all about hostel life!

When you make a hostel a home, you are meeting crucial needs such as healthÂcare check-ups for the kids, eduÂcaÂtion costs, staÂtionery, staff wages, food, and hostel mainÂteÂnance costs.
Meet our home parents
Invest in a child’s future today! Make a hostel, a home.