by Kelly Enright | Dec 5, 2022
Today, I am thankÂful for the shift in the global Church from the Global North/West to the Global South. As ChrisÂtÂian belief declines in the North, it is thrivÂing in places like Africa, Asia and Latin America. And these regions are increasÂingly sending their...
by Kelly Enright | Nov 28, 2022
The power of CharÂacÂter: A closÂer look at Acts 1:8 shows us the clear instrucÂtion and swift stratÂeÂgy Jesus gives to his disÂciÂples for makÂing an impact around the world. It’s a simÂple and powÂerÂful yet heavÂiÂly overÂlooked modÂel in WestÂern...
by Kelly Enright | Nov 21, 2022
1. Calling people misÂsionÂarÂies can comÂproÂmise the safety of global workers in high-risk conÂtexts. To quote someone on MRN’s staff, “If we don’t change our lanÂguage, we are going to get someone killed.” On a govÂernÂmenÂtal level, being a misÂsionÂary is a...