Arotahi Mission

Our Vision
is to see mutual gospel renewal in all people and places of the world. The hands and feet to our vision is how we outwork this through action; encourÂagÂing and equipÂping every Baptist Church of Aotearoa New Zealand comÂmitÂted to a people and a place in a relaÂtionÂship of mutual gospel renewal.
Isaiah 52:7
How beauÂtiÂful on the mounÂtains
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proÂclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proÂclaim salÂvaÂtion,
who say to Zion,
“Your God reigns!”

Our Values
are the taonga that guide and guard our deciÂsions, investÂments and actions. We celÂeÂbrate mission as God’s mahi; the Missio Dei. God is already working in all people and in all places. The part where we come in, is trustÂing that God is working in others and seeking to idenÂtify, point to, join, and nurture this work.
We are comÂmitÂted to seeking gospel renewal that is kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face), is expressed in mutual humilÂity, and urges us to be risk-takers and innoÂvaÂtors as we partner in God’s mission.
Respectful Relationships
We seek honest respectÂful relaÂtionÂships in which to give and receive, teach and learn, lead and follow, direct and serve. We do this trustÂing Jesus in others and seeking the loving unity that Jesus prayed will cause the world to know that the Father sent him.
John 17:18–26.
Mutual Humility
We aspire to follow Jesus’ example seeking mutual humilÂity and cross-shaped living, in service of others.
Philippians 2:1–8.
Like the wayfindÂers of scripÂture, Pacific navÂiÂgaÂtors and NZBMS misÂsionÂarÂies before us we commit to watchÂing and interÂpretÂing local and global shifts, seeking opporÂtuÂniÂties for gospel renewal and in faith, daring to embark on innoÂvÂaÂtive venÂtures that carry risk but also promise fruit for the sake of the gospel.
Acts 10.
Our Strengths
are the God-given gifts in our kete, ones we have always carried with us.
240 faith communities
that have a heart for global mission – Our Baptist churches have a DNA that is misÂsional and an overÂflowÂing love for Jesus that is impelled outward. 30 years ago, our small island nation had the highest per capita number of global workers in the world. Aotearoa carries a beauÂtiÂful misÂsional history. Be a part of the renewal story and take a look at our Renew Together resources for 2023.
Almost 140 years
of pracÂticed misÂsional expeÂriÂence and local involveÂment in global conÂtexts – This meanÂingÂful history and subÂstanÂtial trust allows us credÂiÂbilÂity, access, and a solid, relaÂtional founÂdaÂtion for future partÂnerÂship. This is parÂticÂuÂlarly true in speÂcific regions of South Asia.
Trailblazing mission leaders
The shoulÂders we stand on of genÂerÂaÂtions past are known as pioÂneers and changeÂmakÂers in their global mission moveÂments. Just read the story of Rosalie MacÂGeÂorge. We inherit an abunÂdance of knowlÂedge and insight when it comes to wholisÂtic, informed mission, and susÂtainÂable busiÂness in mission.
bi-cultural hīkoi and relationship
We have the privÂiÂlege of living out our faith in a bi-culÂtural hÄ«koi and relaÂtionÂship – This brings into the heart of our underÂstandÂing and pracÂtice the insight of the colonised; not only the colonisÂers. Working together as Te Tiriti partÂners offers models for partÂnerÂing with local and indigeÂnous people and church leaders in global conÂtexts. Take a look at the work we are part of supÂportÂing in Aotearoa.